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Nitrogen Filling Equipment: Overview

Release date:2023-04-27    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Nitrogen Filling Equipment: Overview

Spraying is essential for some industrial processes as it offers a variety of benefits including reduced corrosion, contaminants and energy costs. In addition, the process requires high purity compressed nitrogen to minimise the concentration of oxygen in tanks and other industrial equipment.

What is nitrogen injection?

Nitrogen boosting is the injection of nitrogen into the liquid phase via a diffuser. In other words, nitrogen boosting refers to the passage of finely dispersed nitrogen through a liquid. In addition to reducing the oxygen content, nitrogen injection enhances biological and chemical reactions.

Metal storage tanks for several liquids, including water, are easily subjected to corrosion due to the high oxygen content. However, by nitrogen injection, these tanks can maintain a protective layer of nitrogen and avoid dissolved oxygen and other reactive gases in the liquid, professionally minimising corrosion and contamination and ultimately reducing production and operating costs in several industries.

What is the purpose of nitrogen refuelling equipment?
Nitrogen injection equipment is essential in several applications designed to meet consumer and industrial requirements. In general, nitrogen injection avoids unwanted substances and unwanted chemical reactions with oxygen. In addition, a steady supply of inert nitrogen is ensured for various industrial processes by installing the ideal nitrogen injection equipment.

This usually consists of a valve control system, filling element, nitrogen source and valve. The valve control system ensures a continuous supply of nitrogen to the tank or industrial process by automatically regulating the nitrogen level to maintain a protective layer against oxidation. The system thus ensures the required nitrogen level during tank filling and emptying.

The spray elements are sintered stainless steel plates or rods which play a key role when spraying with nitrogen. These elements continuously purify the liquid (e.g. water) to achieve a minimum oxygen content, which in turn professionally minimises corrosion and enables anaerobic activity.

Corrosion-free and oxide-free copper industrial processes are achieved by spraying nitrogen into the plant. In addition, the reduction of copper, iron, oxygen and other reactive elements can lead to a significant corresponding reduction in energy costs. For example, conventional power plants require an auxiliary steam supply for the deaerator. With nitrogen injection equipment, however, it is possible to operate in an optimum manner and minimise the chances of contamination of the storage tanks.

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Nitrogen Filling Equipment: Overview

Industries that depend on gas addition
Nitrogen injection has many uses - from food processing, power generation, pharmaceutical and wastewater management, N2 manufacturing to pH control. For example, in process operations in the power generation industry, nitrogen injection through demineralised and deionised water can significantly reduce damage caused by corrosion in boilers and feeder systems. As a result, overflows can improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the overall system.

In view of the food processing industry, operators inject gas into food and beverages, spray nitrogen and carbon dioxide into wines and juices, and empty pack the beverages during filling and transport. In the food processing industry, gas injection inhibits oxidation and replaces harsh physical or chemical preservative methods.

In other industrial applications, operators can use gas injection for pH stabilisation of processed water, contamination-free pharmaceutical processes, steam injection in pipelines and dissolution of reaction gases into the liquid phase for further reactions such as fermentation, oxidation and ozonation.

Obtaining nitrogen for gassing
The source of nitrogen is a key factor that the operator must consider in a jet application. Although 78% of atmospheric air is nitrogen, the gassing process requires a high purity of compressed nitrogen to achieve significant results. Some typical methods of obtaining nitrogen include

Nitrogen delivery
On-site nitrogen production
Nitrogen delivery

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