Food industry

It is mainly used in food preservation, refrigeration and other aspects
to ensure that the product gas is sterile, dust-free and odorless, reducing
the aftercare advantage of nitrogen used by food

Application of nitrogen in food packaging

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Application of nitrogen in food packaging

The actual food you are creating is only half the success; You must also package it in an attractive and effective way. The purpose of food packaging is far more than just to make your product look good: it is responsible for keeping the product fresh and minimizing damage during transportation and storage. This is why most food packaging companies are turning to nitrogen. The following is a detailed understanding of the reasons why brands use nitrogen in food packaging and the main reasons for nitrogen at the investment site.

Benefits of nitrogen in food packaging

The main function of nitrogen in food packaging is to replace oxygen and fill the air space in the packaging. All industries and all types of packaging can benefit from nitrogen. From cans and bottles to bags and boxes, these are the main benefits of filling food packaging with nitrogen:

Your product will have a longer shelf life - bacteria must have one thing to survive: oxygen. Therefore, by removing oxygen and filling the package with nitrogen, once the product leaves your facility, mold, mold or other harmful substances will not form on your product.

Your product will maintain its quality – another factor that can damage your product is moisture. However, when all the empty spaces are filled with nitrogen, there is no room for water to enter, so you don't have to worry about it damaging the food.

Your product will remain intact - if your packaging does not have any cushioning between the food and all items in contact during transportation and storage, you can be sure that the product will be damaged. However, when you fill the entire container with nitrogen, it provides a built-in barrier to protect the food from harm.

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