Food industry

It is mainly used in food preservation, refrigeration and other aspects
to ensure that the product gas is sterile, dust-free and odorless, reducing
the aftercare advantage of nitrogen used by food

Why is on-site nitrogen production good for nut packing?

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Why is on-site nitrogen production good for nut packing?

Do you enjoy eating nuts?

Do you buy packaged and flavoured nuts from the market?

Well, these days, packaged nuts are a big trend and many people carry these packaged nuts as a snack when they travel. These packaged nuts are really crunchy and have a great flavour and texture. The quality of the nuts can only be maintained by flushing them with nitrogen. Everyone knows that nitrogen maintains the flavour, quality and crunchiness of the nuts. The packaging industry therefore regularly uses nitrogen to keep them fresh when they are packed until they are opened. As food products are now ready for the shelves, the demand for nitrogen has increased since then. There is no doubt that we supply nitrogen in a timely manner, but we personally believe that it is best to have on-site nitrogen generators for nut packing.

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Why is on-site nitrogen production good for nut packing?

Here are some reasons why the packaging industry should consider

Complete freshness. Having an on-site nitrogen generator means you won't run out of gas under any circumstances. The freshness of packaged food depends largely on nitrogen. This gas prevents the oxidation process of the food and keeps it fresh. It extends the shelf life of packaged nuts. Therefore, to ensure that packaged nuts retain their freshness and flavour, make some space for an on-site nitrogen generator in industrial premises.

Cost friendly: If you buy nitrogen bottles, you will end up spending more because there are transport costs and the available nitrogen is in a liquid state. This means you have to convert it to a gaseous state for use in packaging. You will have to use energy to do this conversion. It is therefore to your advantage to have a nitrogen generator so that you can utilise gaseous nitrogen directly and avoid transport costs.

Reduced inventory. The industry is always checking the number of nitrogen cylinders delivered, used and returned empty. You will need to have a storage space and also someone who can handle this account. If you choose an on-site nitrogen generator, then you will have no trouble taking care of all those incoming and outgoing cylinders. Use nitrogen from your generator for as long as you want and get the job done.

Everyone loves a fresh, tasty and completely visible nut pack and nitrogen is the kind of gas that is sure to help you achieve these characteristics.

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