Petroleum, chemical and new material industries

It is mainly used in chemical industry, spandex, rubber, plastic,
tire, polyurethane, biotechnology, intermediate and other industries.

Nitrogen filling of ships, oil tanks, transformers, etc.

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Nitrogen filling of ships, oil tanks, transformers, etc.

Inert gas systems help prevent explosions of chemicals and tankers, especially those carrying low flash point cargoes. Read on to learn how nitrogen coverage can prevent these types of dangerous explosions.

What is an inert gas system?

Inert gases are gases that lack sufficient oxygen for combustion, greatly reducing the reactivity of the hazard. Inert gas systems are the most critical systems for the safe operation of tankers and ships because they suppress potentially harmful explosions by reducing the level of available oxygen.

Inert gas systems, such as on-site nitrogen generators (PSA nitrogen generators, nitrogen equipment), will disperse inert gas on board cargo ships to reduce the concentration of vapors that could be ignited. Inert gas systems are mandatory for all gas and oil tankers and will essentially make a space non-flammable.

Benefits of Inert Gas Generators

Inert gas generators offer most benefits in terms of cost and efficiency. By investing in an inert gas generator system, you can have greater control over your operation. Inert gas generators allow you to set finer limits so that accidents do not occur. Each generator is equipped with an oxygen analyzer, which activates an alarm if the oxygen level exceeds a set value. As a low-maintenance system, this ensures that the staff remains focused on the job at hand.

In terms of cost, on-site industrial nitrogen generators can result in significant long-term savings. This is especially true if you are currently purchasing high-pressure gas cylinder tanks.

Since time is also money, ships and tankers must optimize the cargo loading process. With the installation of nitrogen generators (PSA nitrogen generators, nitrogen equipment) on board, you can significantly reduce the time spent in port. You will not need to rely on third party distributors, which means you don't have to worry about delays or missed delivery dates at a higher cost.

Is nitrogen an inert gas?

Although nitrogen is not technically an inert gas, it is commonly referred to and used as such due to its strong triple bond stability and low reactivity. Nitrogen is often used to keep reactive materials from coming into contact with oxygen. In turn, this greatly reduces the risk of explosions on tankers and ships.

What is Nitrogen Filling (also known as Nitrogen Pad, or Tank Filling)?

Nitrogen gas filling (sometimes referred to as nitrogen filling, tank filling or tank fill) is a method of using nitrogen gas to fill the "voids" in liquid storage vessels.

In a gas filling system, the inert gas acts as a cushion, reducing the risk of hazards. For this reason, inert gas systems are often installed on tankers and ships to optimize efficiency, safety and economy.

Nitrogen filling procedure

In order to physically generate nitrogen, an inert gas system is required on board. These systems work by essentially reducing the overall concentration of oxygen. This nitrogen coverage procedure inhibits and prevents combustion. Nitrogen-filled systems are efficient and cost effective, maximize safety quickly and easily, and help meet legal requirements.

Common Nitrogen Inert Gas Systems

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Nitrogen filling of ships, oil tanks, transformers, etc.

Nitrogen Tank Covering (Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace)

Nitrogen filling is very important for flammable chemical tanks because unsafe storage can be catastrophic. This applies to the oil and gas industry, on-board inert gas generation systems for aircraft fuel tanks, and countless other applications.

Nitrogen blanket systems for storage tanks in the food and beverage industry help minimize oxidation from exposure to high oxygen concentrations. This preserves the taste and texture of materials and ingredients and keeps them safe for consumption by keeping them away from contaminants. Nitrogen-filled tanks also help maintain pressure by adding or removing nitrogen when needed.

Nitrogen Filled Transformers

Power transformers use cooling oil to maintain their temperature at optimal levels. Since this oil is flammable, a nitrogen inert gas system can help prevent fires and explosions by maintaining low oxygen levels. With a Nitrogen Injected Fire Protection System (NIFPS), a valve opens while the oil is drained and nitrogen is introduced into the tank, replacing oxygen and stopping the fire from occurring.

To learn more about nitrogen filling, read our blog post on transformer nitrogen purge systems!

Nitrogen purge systems for ships (oil and gas and petrochemical industries)

When transporting flammable chemicals on board ships, nitrogen filling is essential to protect the crew and the environment. By filling the voids around liquid storage with inert gas, the oxygen required for combustion is removed.

Inert gas systems are required for tankers carrying dangerous cargoes. This is especially true when the cargo in question is flammable or explosive. To reduce the risk of accidental explosions, ships will cover wet and dry cargoes with inert gases - most often nitrogen.

The use of nitrogen generators (PSA nitrogen generators, nitrogen equipment) on chemical carriers is a cost-effective way to maintain compliance and safety while reducing reliance on third parties.

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