Application of oxygen generator in medical and nursing fields

The application of high-tech integrated medical molecular sieve
oxygen production equipment will change the traditional mode that
small and medium-sized hospitals provide oxygen by oxygen plants.
Hospitals can produce oxygen for clinical use.

Nitrogen generators for the pharmaceutical industry

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Nitrogen generators for the pharmaceutical industry

The inertness of nitrogen makes it an ideal filler gas for pharmaceutical applications where chemicals and powders need to be protected from oxidation and degradation by oxygen and moisture in the atmosphere.

Protection can be achieved by keeping these items in a nitrogen atmosphere. This is also referred to as nitrogen capping, nitrogen cushioning or nitrogen inerting, where air is replaced by nitrogen.

Nitrogen is also used to maintain an inert and protective atmosphere in tanks storing flammable liquids, to crush sulfur compounds to prevent explosions, to pneumatically convey powders to prevent oxidation, and to clean pipelines and vessels to vent dangerous vapors and gases upon completion of pipeline conveyance or at the end of production.

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