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Safety of high purity gases

Release date:2022-10-15    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Safety of high purity gases

Many people have misconceptions about gases and feel that they are dangerous. It is true that everything can be dangerous if operated badly, especially something like a gas, which is colorless and tasteless and can easily be dangerous, but if operated correctly and used correctly, it is still a buildable material! Today we will learn about the safety of high purity gases!

First, let's introduce the types of high-purity gases

There are very many kinds of high-purity gases, but the harm that will be produced to the human body is also particularly powerful, so what are the hazards of industrial gases? First of all, let's talk about the common gases, oxygen is the most familiar to everyone, is it harmful to the human body? The normal oxygen content in the air is 21%, when the oxygen content exceeds 40% will cause oxygen poisoning. Nitrogen is harmful to the human body is an excessive inhalation will suffocate, argon and nitrogen the same harm, and carbon dioxide is also the same, ammonia is corrosive and toxic to the human body is inhaled will be chronic poisoning, hydrogen and helium to the human body is also an excessive inhalation will suffocate.

In fact, the concept of high purity gas will not hurt, this does not matter much, just express a kind of purity, first of all, the stinky mix of sulfur dioxide, corrosive smell unpleasant, inhalation of the human body will be mildly poisoned, carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, colorless and tasteless, inhalation of a certain amount of carbon monoxide will be poisoned to death, nitric oxide is corrosive, inhalation of the human body will damage the respiratory tract, respiratory distress syndrome. Hydrogen sulfide gas is corrosive and highly toxic, and is also a powerful neurotoxin.

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