Oxygen concentrator equipment use expertise

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Home oxygen

Release date:2022-04-12    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Home oxygen

Home oxygen therapy should only be applied to patients with symptoms and signs of chronic hypoxemia. Patients should be thoroughly evaluated and reversible factors treated. Objective evidence of hypoxemia at rest and its increase in fatigue and at night is readily available. If a patient requires oxygen treatment for more than 4 hours per day at a flow rate of 2 L / min (1 e-size cylinder per week), a concentrator should be used instead of a cylinder. Patients and family members should be instructed in the care and maintenance of equipment and the precautions to be taken when using oxygen content. Home oxygen therapy is expensive, but if used properly, it can not only prolong life, but also improve the quality of life


Oxygen content is a colorless, tasteless and tasteless gas, accounting for about 21% of the air at sea level.

Although it was first prepared by Stephen Hale in 1727, its importance as a normal component of air was not determined until Priestley's work in 1777. Lavoisier and his colleagues have shown that oxygen is absorbed from the lungs and excreted in the form of carbon dioxide and water after metabolism in the body.

Requirements for oxygen content

It is used not only for metabolism, but also for all energy provided by cells. When patients develop acute hypoxemia, it is always used to prevent death or irreversible brain injury, while trying to reverse the cause of hypoxemia.

Oxygen therapy for patients with chronic hypoxemia, especially at home, has become the subject of more discussion. The Australian and New Zealand thoracic societies have developed guidelines to limit the inappropriate use of valuable but expensive treatments. one

Oxygen transport in blood

Oxygen content is carried in the blood in two forms:

In physical solution in plasma

Bound hemoglobin

The oxygen in the physical solution in plasma determines the oxygen tension in arterial blood, usually 80-100 mmHg. This in turn determines the amount of oxygen that binds to hemoglobin and is delivered to the tissue. In normal patients breathing air, hemoglobin has an oxygen saturation of at least 97% at sea level.

The purpose of oxygen therapy is to ensure that the oxygen tension is maintained at 60 mmHg at rest and the blood oxygen saturation of hemoglobin is maintained at 90% during exercise.

Indications of oxygen therapy for chronic diseases

When it can be proved that the patient's disability is related to arterial hypoxemia, it is necessary to supplement oxygen content, and arterial hypoxemia can be reversed by administration. Patients who may benefit include

Chronic airflow obstruction, especially when PaCO2 > 45 mmHg

Diffuse interstitial lung disease

Advanced pulmonary malignancy

Advanced cystic fibrosis

Severe congestive heart failure

Congenital cyanotic heart disease.

In the absence of hypoxemia, oxygen therapy is unlikely to benefit patients with dyspnea, angina or heart failure, although the effect of soothers has been recognized.

Standards to be met

Before oxygen therapy, the patient's respiratory and cardiac function should be thoroughly evaluated to determine the cause of hypoxemia.

The use of simple objective respiratory function tests, such as first second ventilation and forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and arterial blood gas, will provide a baseline for assessing improvement or deterioration. Many authorities believe that household oxygen content assessment needs to be performed after any acute disease for a period of time, such as a month, and then two different blood gases show hypoxemia. Clinical, radiological and cardiac assessments will determine the severity of right heart failure and pulmonary hypertension.

Reversible diseases, such as anemia, must be investigated and treated. Patients must receive the best medication and must not smoke.

Home supplied oxygen prescriptions should be based on blood gas measurements unless the patient still has a life-threatening asthma burst under appropriate and supervised maintenance treatment. Household oxygen content can be used continuously or intermittently.

Continuous use

When arterial oxygen pressure is always less than 55 mmHg or blood oxygen saturation is less than or equal to 88%, long-term continuous oxygen therapy (at least 15 hours per day) shall be specified. It is still controversial whether it is sufficient to measure blood oxygen saturation alone. Since the recognized error / variability of blood oxygen saturation measurement is ± 3%, most clinicians tend to measure oxygen tension and blood oxygen saturation. When polycythemia or cor pulmonale occurs, oxygen tension < 60mmhg indicates continuous supply of oxygen content. This shortens the cycle of hypoxemia and reduces pulmonary hypertension. two

If the patient's mental function is impaired due to the burst of hypoxemia, the treatment is ineffective

Benefits of having your own on-site oxygen generator:

Before using the oxygen generation system on site, many enterprises have no choice but to buy Oxygen elsewhere. However, the use of on-site oxygen generator can eliminate all the troubles related to bulk purchase of oxygen. Our oxygen generator is an option with the greatest benefit: the average cost of producing oxygen by ourselves is one-third to one-half lower than the cost associated with purchasing oxygen. Using the on-site oxygen generator system, there is no need to pay the freight when purchasing oxygen. Our oxygen generator system usually allows you to recover the cost within 18 months.

In addition to economy, the oxygen generator system of the on-site oxygen generator also provides:

Reliability - the oxygen generator system on site uses the surrounding air to generate oxygen. Therefore, our customers never have to worry about the lack of oxygen. Reduce stress - improve safety through storage. Simple - we make it easy for people without relevant equipment experience. The visual touch screen control can control the stability of gas purity. At the same time, it can operate self diagnosis, visual operation diagram and maintenance plan reminder on the screen. Flexibility - our equipment is small and can be transported under various conditions, so as long as there is air and electricity, the equipment can operate stably anywhere. Fully automatic - once a downstream request is detected, production begins.

Why use Xite oxygen generator?

Our oxygen generator system provides reliable on-site oxygen supply for various industries, which is famous in China and Southeast Asia. Our on-site oxygen system can produce oxygen with purity up to 99.999%. For our oxygen generator, it can meet the oxygen production in any place and any complex environment. To learn more about the oxygen generator system and the practical application demand scheme in your industry, please contact us immediately at + 86 18112526805 (consultant).

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