Other equipment related knowledge

Maintenance knowledge and experience related to air separation equipment

Common problems of air compressor

Release date:2022-04-25    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Common problems of air compressor

In our reply, we were asked common questions about air compressors. Troubleshooting questions are answered on another page, with links to other popular air compressor related pages on the right.

Frequently asked questions and answers of air compressor




"How often should we change the oil?"In rotary screw compressors, the oil is changed approximately every 7000-8000 hours. It depends on the type of compressor you buy. For reciprocating air compressors, the oil is usually changed about every 3 months. For a more accurate time frame, please call the model number to find the recommended schedule for your compressor.

"When should I replace the intake filter?"If your compressor has an intake filter, it should be cleaned once a week (assuming you use the compressor about 3 days a week). Replace the filter when it begins to produce debris that is difficult to clean, or when you find any tears or holes in the filter.

"What's the difference between stop start and continuous operation"?

Simply put, there is a pressure switch for starting and stopping the air compressor, which can turn on and off the machine. Most small electric and small gas air compressors are started and stopped.

Running the compressor at a constant speed means that the motor runs continuously and the pump rotates continuously. Many industrial stores that need stable air every day will buy compressors that operate constantly


"At what voltage do I operate?"This depends on the size of the compressor. Most homeowner sized small compressors are designed to operate on a single 110V socket. When you use a larger model, many compressors offer a choice between 110 and 460 voltages.
"Does my compressor run on the generator?"The compressor should be able to operate under appropriate requirements, but we recommend not to use a compressor with a generator. The generator has power fluctuation, and since the compressor needs constant voltage to operate, it is usually best not to use the generator if there is no power supply.
"What's the difference between stop start and continuous operation?"

Simply put, there is a pressure switch for starting and stopping the air compressor, which can turn on and off the machine. Most small electric and small gas air compressors are started and stopped.

Running the compressor at a constant speed means that the motor runs continuously and the pump rotates continuously. Many industrial stores that need stable air every day will buy compressors that operate constantly


"What happens when water stays in my compressor?"

The compressor water tank is made of steel, which means that if there is water in the tank, it will start to rust. Depending on the severity, contact your local service center for the best way to eliminate the problem. One place to start is to consider buying an air dryer to help solve the problem.

"What happens if there's water in my pipe"?This is usually caused by two problems - condensate collector failure or air compressor dryer failure or too small size. To solve the first problem, you need to clean the collector or simply replace it. The second problem is a bit tricky because you need to repair or replace the air dryer with something bigger (unfortunately, it may be a little expensive).
"I often forget to drain the water in the tank. What can be done automatically?"yes! You can buy drain valves. Discharge valves are mainly divided into three types, including float drive, electronic drive or timing sequence drive


"What size hose should be used?"

It depends on the type of compressor you have. The two most common sizes are 1 / 4 "and 3 / 8". Check your compressor manual or call us to help find the right size to use.

Generally, the larger the compressor, the larger the diameter you can use. Most homeowner compressor manufacturers recommend a 1 / 4 "hose diameter.

"What is the maximum hose length that my compressor should use?"It also depends on the size of the compressor and CFM required. Maximum hose length is one of the most open issues related to air compressors. For small homeowners, no more than 150 feet is wise. For store or industrial compressors, please contact your local installation provider or call us to help determine your maximum length.


"I got a new pressure switch and installed it at the weekend. When I turned it on, it worked well and filled the tank, but once it closed, air began to leak from the back of the unloading valve. It didn't. no matter what the pressure in the tank was, if the pressure switch was turned off, air always leaked from the back of the unloading valve, and the speed was quite good."

"Have you seen this before? Do you have any suggestions?"

It sounds like the one-way check valve is not good. In fact, it may cause your pressure switch to fail first. This is quite common. The usual reasons are;

Old machine

For many hours, the dilapidated check valve

Oil enters the tank from the pump

Operate without and / or with dirty intake filters

Weak or broken spring

The whole compressor depends on this small part. When it fails, it may destroy everything else.

Many times, people can remove the check valve, disassemble and clean it. There may be some debris, carbonized oil, or both. Sometimes you will find that the spring inside is broken.

This part is located between the pump and the (copper) pipe of the oil tank and is usually screwed directly into the oil tank.

We have many of them in stock, most of which are about $20.00-30.00.


"How much air do I need to drive my air compressor tool?"Typically, most pneumatic tools require approximately 70-100 psi and consume less than 10 CFM, but consult the tool's manual or manufacturer for exact air requirements.
"How often does a new compressor 'run in' occur?"The air compressor does not need to be disassembled. Check for any leaks or faults at the first start-up, but after that you should be ready.
"How often should I repair my compressor?"The answer depends on how often you run the compressor. If you run your compressor occasionally, the annual service is OK. If you run the compressor regularly, you may need to repair it quarterly.
"What is a good tank size?"The size of the tank you will use depends on the amount of air you need to store. One advantage of a large tank air compressor is that the motor will not start and stop as frequently as a small tank compressor. However, if you don't believe you will use a lot of air, it may be smarter and cheaper to use a smaller tank
"What is the difference between screw compressor and reciprocating compressor"?Rotary screw compressor is a kind of compressor that uses two meshing helical rotors to capture a certain volume of air and then compress it to a higher pressure. Rotary screw compressors can operate at lower temperatures 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Piston compressors (also known as reciprocating) use pistons driven by the crankshaft to deliver high-pressure air The

"Can my homeowner's air compressor handle an additional water tank?"Yes and No. The answer to this question depends on whether you have a continuous working air compressor. Continuous operation compressor means that it can run for a long time (also known as continuous operation). This type of compressor will not have any problems running a larger spare oil tank.

If it doesn't work continuously, it may have a harder time. Depending on the size of your machine and receiving tank, it should be able to handle it. Just make sure you give it time to cool down when filling the tank, or you'll go too far& nbsp; The

"My compressor stores air at high pressure, but my tools need low pressure applications; what should I do?"

This is actually an easy problem to solve - you need to add a pressure regulator in the pipeline, which can be set to the required pressure when the air reaches your tool. The

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