Application of nitrogen maintenance process for electric power and new energy

Most of the equipment and pipelines of the thermal system of thermal power
plant are made of carbon steel, and the equipment and pipelines are prone
to metal corrosion during shutdown. The on-site nitrogen generator can
effectively prevent oxidation and rust.

Application of nitrogen generator in power plant

Release date:2022-06-13    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Application of nitrogen generator in power plant

Have you experienced corrosion and leakage in the boiler of the power plant? If so, please consider adding nitrogen to your process. Nitrogen generator can help you maintain your boiler and prevent oxidation and rust when not in use. In the field gas system, we provide various high-quality nitrogen generator systems for the power plant.

Power production, boilers and corrosion

Whether you operate a coal, oil or nuclear power plant, you may have several boilers designed to generate steam for power generation. Although this method is very effective, it also has some disadvantages.

When the boiler is not in use, any residual water and moisture will cause rust, pitting and corrosion in the pipeline. This may result in leakage and loss of boiler efficiency. You may even notice that you have to repair and replace pipe sections more frequently than you want. In order to remove moisture from the system, we recommend the use of nitrogen. By purging with low-pressure, slow flowing nitrogen, you can replace oxygen in any wet part of the equipment. By doing so, you will significantly reduce oxidation opportunities.

Utility benefits of nitrogen generator

Many utilities and power plants using nitrogen choose to rent gas cylinders. Although this method may seem the most convenient, it may eventually cost you more money and reduce your efficiency. This is because the nitrogen cylinder is easy to leak. Sending the available nitrogen back to the atmosphere wastes your money. In addition, cylinders must be ordered and delivered monthly, which may disrupt your business operations if your supply is unexpectedly insufficient.

On the other hand, generators are a reliable and cost-effective way to produce nitrogen at your location. These systems suck in the atmosphere, remove oxygen and store nitrogen for later use. This enables you to obtain a continuous supply of pure nitrogen, saving you money and time. Using the nitrogen generator, you will never run the risk of running out of nitrogen without expensive nitrogen transportation!

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