Promote the growth and development of fish, reduce the fighting damage of fish, improve water quality and reduce diseases

The improvement of aquaculture oxygen generator and other aquaculture
equipment has effectively promoted the overall development of aquaculture.

Oxygenators and 3 other types of fish farming equipment to expand your business

Release date:2022-06-30    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Oxygenators and 3 other types of fish farming equipment to expand your business

The breeding and rearing of fish is known as aquaculture and has steadily gained popularity in China. The sector was developed to meet the growing global demand for protein. China is currently the second largest fish producer in the world. In order to establish a sustainable and profitable fish farming industry, there are certain types of equipment that are absolutely necessary. They depend on the size of your fish farm and your goals.

Let us take you through the 4 types of fish farming equipment you absolutely need to expand your business

1. seine reel

This is used to collect fish from the water during harvest. First, the seine is thrown into the lake or pond. Once thrown, it sinks to the bottom of the water body. A tractor on the shore helps collect the reel at the edge of the seine, causing the fish to pile up inside the net. The fish are then pulled to the shore and transferred to the sorting.


2. Automatic fish feeder

This is a very effective tool that saves the time and effort of hand-feeding fish by automatically feeding them at scheduled intervals. This feeder only works when the water is mechanically circulated. Automatic fish feeders feed fish when the water is saturated and unclean, which may eventually kill the fish.


3. Water pumps

During the summer months, the water in the body of water in which the fish are kept often evaporates. To ensure a good supply of fresh water to the fish, pumps need to be installed. These pumps also help farmers to drain the water out at the end of the growing season.


4. Oxygen generators and aeration units

In order to ensure that the fish get enough oxygen, oxygen generators are needed with the associated installation of aeration devices. The aeration device helps the fish to grow healthily and also allows you to keep more fish in a small area. The device helps to remove impurities by circulating the water.

All these devices are readily available in the market today and with the boom of internet and the rise of e-commerce, you can also browse and pick these types of devices online.

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