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PSA oxygen generators for all industries

Release date:2022-07-16    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] PSA oxygen generators for all industries

Many industries such as chemical, medical and other industries require oxygen generators to perform a number of production operations. For this reason, most tradesmen and industrialists are looking for high quality oxygen generators for greater efficiency. Today we bring you some tips on choosing a PSA oxygen generator supplier that will help you choose the perfect one for yourself.

Oxygen Concentrator Manufacturers

There are many manufacturers who have set up a dedicated production unit to manufacture and supply oxygen concentrators, but they don't know how to maintain its quality. Perhaps, they do not use quality raw materials, resulting in a poor quality end product. So, if you are planning to buy a unit, be aware of such manufacturers and avoid them.

Here are some quick tips for choosing a top manufacturer.

Check if they are a certified supplier

Check the capacity of their equipment

Check their market reputation and history

Compare the prices of more than two manufacturers to get an accurate estimate of the cost

Prepare a list of features you want in your gas equipment and check with the supplier

Select a supplier

Here I recommend a quick online search of different suppliers, as many of them have their own online presence. Visiting their websites will give you an overview of what they do and what they offer. If you are interested in buying an oxygen concentrator, then an online supplier is preferable to an offline supplier. This is because they provide every detail of their products and you can also compare two or more suppliers and choose the one with the lower price. In addition to this, you can also compare their quality, maintenance costs, operating costs and other features of the equipment.

Benefits of having your own on-site oxygen generator:

Before using the oxygen generation system on site, many enterprises have no choice but to buy Oxygen elsewhere. However, the use of on-site oxygen generator can eliminate all the troubles related to bulk purchase of oxygen. Our oxygen generator is an option with the greatest benefit: the average cost of producing oxygen by ourselves is one-third to one-half lower than the cost associated with purchasing oxygen. Using the on-site oxygen generator system, there is no need to pay the freight when purchasing oxygen. Our oxygen generator system usually allows you to recover the cost within 18 months.

In addition to economy, the oxygen generator system of the on-site oxygen generator also provides:

Reliability - the oxygen generator system on site uses the surrounding air to generate oxygen. Therefore, our customers never have to worry about the lack of oxygen. Reduce stress - improve safety through storage. Simple - we make it easy for people without relevant equipment experience. The visual touch screen control can control the stability of gas purity. At the same time, it can operate self diagnosis, visual operation diagram and maintenance plan reminder on the screen. Flexibility - our equipment is small and can be transported under various conditions, so as long as there is air and electricity, the equipment can operate stably anywhere. Fully automatic - once a downstream request is detected, production begins.

Why use Xite oxygen generator?

Our oxygen generator system provides reliable on-site oxygen supply for various industries, which is famous in China and Southeast Asia. Our on-site oxygen system can produce oxygen with purity up to 99.999%. For our oxygen generator, it can meet the oxygen production in any place and any complex environment. To learn more about the oxygen generator system and the practical application demand scheme in your industry, please contact us immediately at + 86 18112526805 (consultant).

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