Application of oxygen generator in medical and nursing fields

The application of high-tech integrated medical molecular sieve
oxygen production equipment will change the traditional mode that
small and medium-sized hospitals provide oxygen by oxygen plants.
Hospitals can produce oxygen for clinical use.

Medical oxygen generators in hospitals

Release date:2022-09-08    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Medical oxygen generators in hospitals

Oxygen is one of the main lifelines for humans and many other living things on this planet. We breathe oxygen all the time and without this gas, breathing would be impossible for us. However, many patients find it difficult to breathe, mainly because their respiratory system is damaged. They need the support of additional oxygen beyond the surrounding air. The medical oxygen generators built by XITE can provide pure oxygen to meet the needs of all patients in the hospital.

Reasons for installing medical oxygen generators in hospitals

Using the latest technology -

Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) is the technology used to build medical oxygen generators. It is used to separate different gases from a mixture and is suitable for separating oxygen from air. This technology absorbs nitrogen from the air, which is the main component of air, leaving pure oxygen for patient use.

No transportation required -

Hospitals are spared the hassle and expense of transporting large quantities of oxygen cylinders for their patients. The oxygen generators are assembled and installed in the hospital by XITE's specialists, and the oxygen is then delivered to all patients through a pipeline.

No expense for raw materials -

Since the PSA oxygen concentrator requires only air to produce pure oxygen, the hospital does not need to purchase any raw materials for this process. Only electricity is needed to run the oxygen generators, which increases the amount of the monthly electricity bill.

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