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High purity nitrogen in the automotive tyre industry

Release date:2023-08-09    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] High purity nitrogen in the automotive tyre industry

The filling of car tyres with air is well known, and the application of high-purity nitrogen to fill tyres has a history of nearly 20 years in the military and in certain industries. In the past two years, for general vehicle tyres filled with nitrogen (nitrogen purity: 95% ~ 99.5%), Europe and the United States has long been used.

First, to ensure the safety of tyre use, is the advantage of high-purity nitrogen filled tyres. When the tyre is running at high speed, it will generate heat energy, especially when braking, the temperature of the gas inside the tyre will rise sharply, and the pressure of the tyre will increase suddenly, which often leads to spontaneous combustion and bursting of the tyre. Nitrogen has stable physical and chemical properties, non-spontaneous combustion, non-flammable, small expansion coefficient affected by temperature, which can greatly reduce the chance of spontaneous combustion of flat tyres, to protect the safety of driving. According to the national traffic related unit statistics, in China's highway traffic accidents, flat tyres accounted for more than 70%. The main reason is that the tyre is running out of air. If you can popularise the use of nitrogen to replace the air filled tyres, will effectively reduce the rate of flat tyres, greatly improving the safety of automobile operation.

Second, nitrogen filled tyres can slow down the aging of rubber tyres, prolong service life. Rubber aging is oxidised by oxygen molecules in the air, after aging, the elasticity will be reduced to produce cracks and lose rubber performance. High purity nitrogen can protect the rubber from oxidation and prolong the service life of the tyre.

Third, high-purity nitrogen filled tyres can save energy, reduce consumption, reduce pollution. The speed of nitrogen penetrating the rubber tyre wall is only 1/3 of that of oxygen, and the loss of gas penetration inside the tyre is less, and the tyre pressure is stable, which can make the car maintain a good running condition for a long time. The vast majority of today's car tyres are tubeless, usually filled with air in the car contains water, will make the rim plating layer is oxidised, and lead to the valve seal is not tight, the tyre gas leakage. And using under-inflated tyres also increases energy consumption. And the problem of slow-deflating tyres is completely solved by filling them with dry nitrogen. By saving fuel, less exhaust gas is emitted. And tyre life is extended.

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