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Points to note about the hazards of industrial oxygen

Release date:2024-05-18    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Points to note about the hazards of industrial oxygen

Many people may be unaware of the situation to see the word oxygen, think it is our necessary gas, no harm to us, but it should be noted that there is a distinction between medical oxygen and industrial oxygen, and industrial oxygen is very harmful to our human body.

Let's get to know what is industrial oxygen, industrial oxygen is generally only required to contain oxygen purity, no special requirements for other health conditions, it also contains excessive carbon monoxide, methane and other harmful gases, moisture, bacteria and dust content is also very high. Industrial oxygen is mainly used for welding, gas welding, gas cutting, etc. Industrial oxygen is used for industrial production and product processing of the gas, its quality requirements are relatively low, in the compression and charging process there is acidic or alkaline lubricating water into the cylinder, will lead to rusting of the inner wall of the cylinder, which will make the gas in the bottle with a strange smell. At the same time, industrial oxygen also exists in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, acetylene and other impurities that are extremely harmful to the human body, once the patient inhales too much, choking and coughing, scabbing and other phenomena, triggering or aggravating respiratory diseases, and in serious cases, it is very easy to cause the patient to inhale the amount of oxygen is not enough to appear life-threatening. Therefore, the national drug regulatory authorities have been included in the medical oxygen to manage drugs, requiring the production and operation of medical oxygen to obtain a licence.

Hazards of industrial oxygen i.e. points to note

The hazardous pathways of industrial oxygen to the human body include breathing, skin contact, and the possibility of oxygen poisoning if the inhalation concentration exceeds 40 per cent for a long period of time. Lung type, at the beginning, there is a slight discomfort behind the sternum, accompanied by light coughing, and then feel chest tightness, burning sensation behind the sternum and dyspnoea, coughing intensified. In severe cases, pulmonary oedema and asphyxia may occur. Neurological - mainly occurs in the partial pressure of oxygen, in more than 3 atmospheres, equivalent to more than 80% of the concentration of oxygen inhalation, the beginning of the lip or facial muscle twitching, pale, dizziness, tachycardia, defecation, and then the emergence of the whole body of the tonic epileptic seizure-like convulsions, coma, respiratory failure and death. Prolonged in the oxygen partial pressure of 60-100Kpa conditions can occur eye damage, serious cases can be blind. Strong oxidant, combustion, and combustible vapour mixing can form combustion or explosive mixtures. Containers are at risk of explosion when exposed to open flames and high heat sources. After eye liquid oxygen, it should be immediately rinsed with large amount of water for more than 15 minutes. After liquid oxygen to the skin, it should be immersed in warm water and seek medical attention promptly.

Through the above points of caution briefly, I hope that you in contact with industrial oxygen can avoid these problems, once inhalation or skin contact should be done in a timely manner to simple treatment and seek medical attention.

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