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Applications for industrial gases

Release date:2024-05-08    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] Applications for industrial gases

There is a wide range of gas products, which can be broadly divided into two categories: general industrial gases and specialty gases. General industrial gases are produced and sold in large quantities, but the purity requirements are not high. Specialty gases, though small in volume, have extremely strict requirements on the purity or composition of different specialty gases, the maximum allowable content of harmful impurities, and the packaging, storage and transportation of the products for different purposes, which belong to high technology and high value-added products. Usually, special gases can be divided into three categories, i.e., high-purity or ultra-high-purity gases, standard calibration gases and gas mixtures with specific compositions. As an important basic raw material of modern industry, gas products have a wide range of applications. In metallurgy, iron and steel, petroleum, chemical industry, machinery, electronics, glass, ceramics, building materials, construction, food processing, medicine and health care sectors, a large number of commonly used gases or special gases are used.

Because the application of gas products cover a large area, the production and supply of gas and power supply, water supply, as the same as the infrastructure of the industrial investment environment, is regarded as the national economy, "lifeblood" and listed as a public utility industry.

With the rapid development of China's national economy, the application of gas products continue to expand, the amount of gas products continue to increase, new products continue to launch, purity continues to improve, the market demand continues to expand, the output value of the growth rate is far more than the same period of the national economy's total value of the growth rate of 12% of the annual growth rate. The annual sales volume of the national gas products market is about 40 billion yuan. Although the total output value of the gas industry in the gross national economic product does not account for a large proportion, but it is the current rapid development of microelectronics, aerospace, bioengineering, new materials, precision metallurgy, environmental science and other high-tech sectors have an important impact on the indispensable raw materials for these sectors gas or process gas. It is because of the needs and promotion of various new industrial sectors and modern science and technology, the gas industry products in the variety, quality and quantity and other aspects of the development of a remarkable leap.

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