Application of nitrogen in plastic molding industry

Nitrogen is the key to the success of plastic manufacturing. Nitrogen helps
prevent discoloration and oxidation during manufacturing. In addition,
it helps maintain the strength of plastic polymers, which is particularly
important when using large molds

5 cfm die-casting nitrogen generator with 99.5% purity and 6 KG/CM2 working pressure

Release date:2022-08-13    author: Suzhou XITE

[Suzhou XITE Gas] 5 cfm die-casting nitrogen generator with 99.5% purity and 6 KG/CM2 working pressure

Suzhou XITE has installed a nitrogen generator for die-casting with 99.5% purity, 6 KG/CM2 working pressure and 5 cfm power.

Suzhou XITE is a manufacturer of nitrogen generators for die-casting process. In this process, the machine is built with the best quality of materials and components. The machine can be operated on manual and semi-automatic basis and is best suited for mass production of die-cast parts such as aluminum, zinc and other alloys for casting of automobiles, appliances, toys, measuring instruments and household appliances. Schitt offers a complete range of nitrogen generators for the metal casting industry and other industries such as gas and oil refining. Nitrogen can be used for degassing and cleaning of non-ferrous metals.

Degassing of molten aluminum alloys is a casting operation designed to remove the hydrogen dissolved in the melt.

You can now generate your own nitrogen as you need it at a fraction of the cost of your existing supply and with the purity required for your process. Nitrogen generators are virtually maintenance-free. Simply turn on and use the nitrogen.

The range of products for die casting sold by Suzhou XITE are




5 NM3/HR

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